What To Do After Graduation
Once you’ve graduated from University, opportunities are endless! You can either go into a career directly related to your course, do the complete opposite or even create a career that doesn’t exist yet. This can be a bit daunting though, especially when you don’t know how to get started or if you’re thinking about that £50K debt hanging over your head now. Despite what you may think, you have ages to think about what you want to do!
Some graduates leave knowing exactly where they want to go and what they want to do, but what do you do if you’re still trying to figure things out? The first thing you should do, is not panic! If you are feeling a bit out of your depth, here are some things that can help while you figure out what to do:
Think outside the box
Instead of sitting at home doing nothing, or binging on Netflix and sending memes in my case, learn a new skill. What better way to set yourself apart than to have something on your CV that sets you apart. There are so many workshops and seminars you can access online, on any given subject and some of them have certification that you can put on your CV, for example, Google’s Digital Garage!
Gain experience
Using your free time after university to gain experience in your field is a great thing to do as it will benefit you until you get to that perfect job. If you’re struggling for job offers or you’re not even sure where to apply, why not try a startup? There are so many reasons why startups may be the better fit for you: you’ll get more responsibility, you’ll get to learn directly from a creator and your work has a higher chance of being recognised.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
This is where networking comes into play! Don’t be afraid to reach out to classmates for ideas or any tips they can give you (obviously don’t try to reach out to ones you’ve never said a word to!). Twitter is also a great way of seeking advice or even opportunities if you’re feeling a bit lost. There are plenty of alumni and even employers who are more than happy to share what they did after they left university and offer advice.
Try freelancing
While you look for you look for your perfect job, why not try freelancing? This tip probably relates more to those who did more creative degrees. Whilst you apply, why not try pitching to a few companies and working as a freelancer and get a few commissions. Not only could you make some extra money but it will look amazing on your CV and be proof that you can do the jobs you’re applying for.
The final tip is to relax. There is no rush and no rules that say you have to know exactly what you want to do or a time you have to figure it out by. Weigh all your options because who wants to wake up hating their job every day? Take your time and do whatever is going to help you grow and make you happy, as cliché as all of that sounds!