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Everyone Wants To Be A Blogger

English teenagers are the most illiterate in the developed world, a report conducted by the OECD has revealed, so what does that have to do with youtube Zoella? Zoe Williams from The Guardian wrote a long winded ‘article’ linking Zoella’s youtube videos to the report. I will never understand this trend of belittling something like blogging or vlogging when there are so many success stories and benefits surround both of them.

One of the most annoying phrases I hear nowadays is ‘everyone’s a blogger’ or ‘everyone’s on youtube’. Blogging and/or becoming a Youtuber has become very popular over the last few years with people wanting to be like their favourites and make lots of money from the comfort of their own homes. Even though people may not be fully aware of the hard work that goes behind running a blog or at least running one of high quality, I don’t think it means they shouldn’t create one. I think a lot of people who may be thinking about blogging feel like they’re jumping on the band wagon and I disagree wholeheartedly, one of the things I love most about blogging and just the digital era in general is that there really is space for everyone and obviously groups of people will have similar interests (beauty bloggers, fashion bloggers etc) but each of them still have unique views and ways of expressing themselves. There are so many benefits to blogging that people don’t even think of such as:

It’s therapeutic

Blogging can be so good for expressing yourself, just like journaling or keeping a diary. Sometimes writing out how you feel or just talking about your day can help you feel so much better and one of the best things about blogging is that you can control who sees your content! If you’re not comfortable making it public just yet you can change your settings so that only you can view your blog or you can leave it public so others can see how you’re feeling.

Can lead to jobs

Blogging is one of those hobbies that requires different skills which can be really useful in a workplace setting. For example, to run a (successful) blog, you have to be consistent and organised, you have to know when you’re going to post, how your work is going to look and how you’re going to keep it that way. You also need to become good at marketing yourself and your blog. Even if you don’t want a career that revolves around blogging, it can give you really good transferable skills that can be useful anywhere.

It’s a great hobby to have/great to do part time

This kind of links to the first point, when you’re not doing the job you really want, blogging is a great way to talk about something you’re actually passionate about and share with like-minded people and you never know it could lead to a job!

In conclusion, there are so many benefits to blogging, making youtube channel or creating content in general so I don’t understand why it’s looked down at. I think it may be because some people don’t quite understand the work and time it takes to make something of good quality and to be consistent with it but if you don’t understand something, shouldn’t you take the time to learn about it rather than rubbish it all together?

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