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10 Books To Read In 2017

One of my New Years Resolutions for 2017 was to read more. During secondary school I used to read all the time and would go through at least 3-4 novels a week but obviously as school work and life in general got more difficult, I started to read less and less. Finishing university and starting a new writing course has inspired me to start reading again and when my sister got me a kindle for Christmas, it made it even easier for me to read whenever and wherever I wanted! So here are a list of 10 books I recommend and some series I plan on finishing this year:

  1. All of Marian Keyes books (especially the ones about the Walsh family)

  2. Blog, Inc: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community by Joy Deangdeelert Cho

  3. Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso

  4. The Life Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F**k by Sarah Knight

  5. All of the Series Of Unfortunate Events by Daniel Handler

  6. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

  7. How To Be A Bawse - Lilly Singh

  8. Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins

  9. How Not To Fall In Love Actually by Catherine Bennetto

  10. A Mindful Guide For The Frazzled by Ruby Wax

As you can see, I’ve been really into tongue in cheek romance(ish) books, motivating self help books with a bit of mystery thrown in there. I really want to finish the all of the A Series Of Unfortunate Events books as I read 4 of them about 5 years ago and I still don’t know how the series ends. Kindles are a great way of carrying a collection of books around with you and I know people love to argue that it doesn’t beat the ‘feel of a real book’ but I would so much rather have a nice sleek kindle with all the books I want than having loads of books all over my room all the time.

This post was inspired by Chloe’s ‘30+ Books to Read in 2017’ which you can read here, comment below if you’ve read any of the books listed and what you thought go them or if you can recommend anymore books I should check out!

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