Tips For Staying Healthy This Christmas
Welcome to day 10 of Milk's 12 Days To Christmas, only 2 more days left! If you're like me and you made a new years resolution to to get fitter or to lose weight and you actually managed to stick with it (for the most part) then this post is for you! Everyone sees Christmas as this period where there seems to be temptation everywhere and you can't help but be unhealthy everyday until New Years but here are some tips on how to keep yourself healthy(ish) through the festive season without having to compromise your Christmas:
- Don't skip meals
What's the one thing everyone always seems to look forward to on Christmas (apart from the presents), Christmas dinner! Obviously you want to eat as much as you want and Christmas food isn't exactly the healthiest so there is the temptation to skip breakfast or lunch in order to save those calories but that doesn't work at all! Instead you'll end up snacking throughout the day and end up eating worse than you would if you had just had your other meals.
- Everything in moderation
Being healthy does not mean not eating treats AT ALL, it means (to me anyway) not eating them 24/7. Trying to stay away from 'unhealthy' food all the time, and believe me I've tried it, doesn't really work, in my experience, the more I try to stay away from chocolate or donuts or stuff like that, the more I end up craving them and then caving in and buying a whole load. Letting yourself indulge in your favourite things, maybe like a few times a week rather than a few times a day, is just as healthy as exercising (again in my opinion) especially if you're still eating relatively well and keeping yourself active.
- Fitness is not supposed to be stressful
Kind of links to the point above but it's always good to remind yourself that become fit or healthier is supposed to enhance your life, not stress you out. If going to the gym feels like a chore all the time, then obviously you're not going to go and then you'll just be wasting money. There are more ways to get fit other than just going to the gym, you can join a club and play a sport, there's yoga or just going for a jog around where you live.
- Try to stick to a (realistic) routine
If you have a routine that you've managed to stick to, find a way to make it work for you during the festive period. For example, it's absolutely freezing so that might deter you from going to the gym or working out outside, so why not do it at home? There are loads of work out videos on youtube that are easy to do and require no equipment!
Hope these tips are useful to you and if you have any, comment below or tweet us! Come back tomorrow for day 11 and for our boxing day sales tips!