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4 Tips For Christmas On A Budget

Only 7 more days till Christmas and I've got a post especially for all the students who's loan doesn't stretch all the way till Christmas, how to do christmas (presents in particular) on a budget! It's always annoying when you get to that time of the year and realise you don't have enough or anything at all to use to buy the people you love presents but there are some things you can do to spend whatever little money you have wisely:

1) Suggest Secret Santa

Secret santa is a great way of saving money, especially with friends as instead of having to buy a bunch of smaller presents you would only have to buy one gift for one person. Secret Santa is where you put the names of everyone in your group into a hat for example and everyone chooses a name but doesn't reveal who they have gotten until it's time to give that gift to the person. You can also set a budget that suits you and the rest of the group so no one ends up feeling guilty about how much they've spent on a present.

2) Handmade Gifts

Another great way of saving money is making your gifts. Obviously you would have to buy supplies but there are plenty of places to go to get cheap supplies like Ebay, Amazon etc but homemade gifts are great, especially for family as they would probably be touched that you thought to spend your time and energy making something just for them!

3) Sell things

This is a great option if you have some time before Christmas. If you have a bunch of clothes or random stuff you don't wear or use anymore why not get rid of them and get money for it? There are loads of great websites that make it really easy to sell you stuff quickly like Ebay, depop and mazuma mobile for old phones. Not only does selling your things give you a bigger budget but it declutters your space!

4) Look for cheaper gifts

You're probably thinking that this is most obvious option but when it comes to buying gifts for your loved ones, sometimes you think you always have to go big or really expensive. Cheaper gifts don't mean that you appreciate the person you're giving the gift too any less and especially being a student, I'm sure your loved ones would understand if you're not forking out hundreds for them.

Hope you find this post helpful and come back tomorrow for day 6 of Milk's 12 Days To Christmas!

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