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Famous - Kanye West premieres new raunchy video on Tidal

After signing up to the FREE trial for Tidal, because let's be honest who has £9.99 a month when we can use Youtube and Soundcloud, I watched the 10 minutes and 44 second video for Famous.

The Life Of Pablo is an absolutely amazing album, though many people hate Kanye, you can't knock his talent and creativity.

Famous has a few familiar faces and some unfamiliar bodies in it. Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian West, Rihanna, Bill Cosby, George Bush, Chris Brown, Amber Rose, Ray J, Anna Wintour, and Caitlyn Jenner all appear nude in a huge bed.

The images are honestly amazing and so realistic for a second you'd think they actually took part, then you remember most of them are enemies and I'm sure Rihanna would never talk let alone lay down naked next to Donald Trump. Throughout the video I had so many questions like whether one of them would sue Kanye? Maybe Bill Cosby. Did Anna Wintour approve of this? Did Taylor Swift approve? Why is Kanye so obsessed with his ex Amber? Did he think it was cool to put Chris next to Rihanna after everything?

So many questions.

I did find it uncomfortable spending 10 minutes watching close ups of naked celebrities sleep and snore, however I couldn't keep my eyes off as it was also so fascinating. Caitlyn Jenner even moved her hot pink polished nails and some point, it felt a little like a horror movie where I was waiting for a pair of eyes to suddenly open or Kanye to jump up screaming "You don't have the answers!"

Kanye sure knows how to cause controversy.

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