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Orange Is The New Black Season 4 - SPOILERS!!!

Now I expect most of you crammed all 13 episodes in two days but for those who haven't THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS POST SO DO NOT CARRY ON.

I really wanted to take my time with Season 4 but I was hooked and had way too much free time on my hands.

This season was by far very emotional with the unexpected death of Poussey Washington, one of the most loved characters on this show.

Poussey was killed by one of the officers during a peaceful protest the prisoners decided to take. They were protesting the terrible treatment they had been receiving by most of the new officers in the prison.

This scene echoed many of the recent police brutality cases where black lives were ended by the hands of white police officers. Poussey's death was very similar to that of Eric Garner who died in a chokehold.

My only criticism with Poussey's death was the fact that she was killed by a police officer many of us loved and felt sorry for which is not the case with the real life police brutality cases. Darren Wilson, George Zimmerman and many others felt no remorse when taking the life of those they killed.

When watching this scene I burst into tears, while screaming "No! Get up, get off of her!" multiple times at the screen. That scene will definitely stay with me forever and join my list of the most heartbreaking TV death alongside Jim Clancy's from Ghost Whisperer.

I loved the development of Maria Ruiz, who turns into this big badass after Piper frames her, causing Officer Piscatella to extend her time in jail. Now is it just me but did anyone else not feel any type of way when she burned the Nazi sign into Piper's arm?

I for one felt happy as throughout the seasons I have started to hate Piper and her character.

Can we talk about Lolli?!

Her story with Healy was absolutely amazing, you felt every emotion, all the confusion and her constant battle with her mental health problems. I grew to love and have hope for her character each episode.

Overall this season included a roller coaster of emotions and was better than the last, now to wait another year for Season 5. Fun.

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