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Brent Conservative Party propose a council tax freeze for residents

The Brent Council held a Full Council meeting yesterday to consider the Council’s budget and level of Council Tax for 2016/17.

The Brent Conservative’s Group put forward a motion to change Brent Council Tax with a 2.5% reduction to all council bands. The propose a council tax of £1,032.62 at Band D compared to Labour’s proposal of £1,101.24.

Councillor John Warren, Leader of Brent Conservative Party, Brondesbury Park said “Labour doesn’t put money away for a rainy day, 2 rainy days or even a flood. I want the money to go to the bank of the residents and not the bank of Brent Council.”

Brent Conservative’s Group want to invest an additional £0.35m into Adult Social Care, £100k more in fly-tipping enforcement and on CCTV and to scrap the ‘hated’ Green Bin Tax. These proposals are strongly opposed by members of the Brent Labour Party.

Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader of the Council, Tokyngton said “We have to respect every pound spent on council tax, each pound represents our residents hard work. It is dishonest to say we can keep Council Tax down, this is plain nuts, we will not offer false promises. The only way to get through these Tory cuts is with Labour values.”

Council Tax has risen by 2%, the first rise after six consecutive years of council tax freezes with more savings of £18.8m are proposed.

Councillor Pavey, Labour, Barnhill said “This is a politically motivated budget from the Conservative, it is a scandal. Cuts to council tax are cuts to the community and we’ve had enough.”

This rise is set to benefit front line services like Adult Social Care, road safety, refuse collections and street cleaning, Keeping Brent Safe, community events for all cultures and faiths and housing.

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