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A husband from Greenford charged for hitting his wife, over £100 quarrel

A 56-year-old husband from Greenford slapped his wife, after she refused to give him £100.

Lutfula Noori, 56, of Greenford Road, Greenford, pleaded guilty in Uxbridge Magistrates Court today after being charged for assaulting his wife on February 6, after she refused to give him £100 for his car insurance.

His wife, Mrs Noori refused to give him £100 for what he claimed as money to pay his car insurance renewal, he threatened to hit her.

When she refused, Mr Noori slapped her with his hand on the right side of her face. Mr Noori left as soon as his wife had given him the money.

Mrs Noori said her husband is “addicted to gambling.” She told police that it was her money and he had no right to take it from her.

Police were told by Mrs Noori that this was not the first occasion where her husband hit her.

The Court heard Mr Noori had ‘lost his temper and slapped his wife.’ The 56-year-old stated he has a gambling problem.

Mr Noori claimed he had intention of paying his wife back. The £100 that he borrowed from his wife is still outstanding.

Domestic abuse includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relations or between family members.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, call the Freephone 24 Hour national Domestic Helpline, a national service for women experiencing domestic violence on 0808 2000 247.

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