634 planned residential homes face outright rejection by Tower Hamlets Council
634 new residential homes are refused planning permission by Tower Hamlets Strategic Committee to demolish current buildings in Marsh Wall and Manilla St, Canary Wharf.
Image taken from Google Maps
Surrounding premises for demolition of exisiting sites and re development.
The new redevelopment including a school and hotel aims to replace BUPA Health and dental centre, construction and automotive warehouses.
The Local Planning Authority says they are against planning permission to go ahead due to numerous issues involving the height of the buildings affecting public safety and the risk of affordable housing.
Residents have placed their concerns that the impact of the proposal, which may affect neighbouring sites in the future.
Cllr Dave Chesterton for Labour says it is a ‘great shame’ to speak against the application due to overdevelopment of the site.
He added, “It is an overbearing and insensitive scheme… it would be unforgiveable to build such a large building with limited amount of space.”
The application failed to get a legal agreement to secure Affordable Housing and financial/non-financial contributions used for Employment and Training, Transport and Highways which are all vital for maximizing affordable housing and the running of local services.
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The marked area is "too over developed" - Cllr Chesterton
John Connolly, UK Representative Developer for the site reassured the council and says the reasons for refusal are ‘marginal’.
Mr Connolly said, “The scheme will aim to provide affordable homes, permanent jobs for local residents.”
Cllr Andrew Wood told the council he was in favour of the proposition who also expressed his concern over the future of local NHS Trusts.
Mr Wood responded, “we need to expand 36 GP’s in the borough, there are only 9 at the moment
He later added, “If the rejection goes ahead, a new building will come forward without a school and healthcare centre. Let’s do it for our community”.